
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Job

Today (well technically yesterday), I got a new job for work ed: grounds. I'm working Lizzy, Jourdan, Sam G., and Marshall, which is a pretty awesome group. Anyywaaay, the three girls were working unstacking, wheelbarrowing, and stacking wood. And, since I was the new girl, I was given the hardest job-wheelbarrowing. As Andrew would say (and I can almost hear him saying it in my mind), it was tough, man!! I was pushing it uphill, admist rocks, chips of wood, and ruts. I could definately feel that I hadn't worked out since school started, my muscles were BURNING.

Of course, all that was boring, and I'm sure you skipped it (I would), so here's the more (I think) interesting part. I kept knocking over the whellbarrow, like 20 times. It was heavy, and we were on a slant, so it just kept toppling over. The funny part was during on trek through the woods to deliver the lumber, the whellbarrow tipped over to the right, knocking me over. I was pretty used to that, so I just got up and loaded the wheelbarrow again. I had barely taken one step before the wheelbarrow fell over again, this time to the left. Sam and Lizzy were laughing SOO hard! Then, after I loaded the dumb wheelbarrow up again, my foot slipped on the wet pine needles, I went sprawling, all the wood falling over me again and burying me in it's itchy,, badness? Don't think that's a word. O well, it was really funny (just ask Lizzy and Sam). I finally dumped the wood and started back. Sam congradulated me on not falling again (she's unbearably sarcastic), so I replied with, "Yes, I learn from my-" and just then I slipped and went crashing down. "Mistakes," I squeakly finished while I was rolling on the ground, laughing my head off. Finally, I controlled myself enough to get up, but when I saw the look on Lizzy and Sam's faces, I fell over again, laughing even more. My lungs hurt.....

Yah, well I'm really tired, gonna sleep GOOD tonight! (said in an Andy Griffith voice), so I better sign off.


1 comment:

  1. lololol it's funny to read back on old posts. Now this guy named Roy is the "new" kid and we are all just as mean to him as they were mean to me!! LOL!!! Revenge is sweet!!

    WAIT A MINUTE. That didn't make any sense...... Revenge? Roy didn't treat me bad??

    O well....since when did I make any sense??

    I think I may be a lil too hyper. Goodnight all.
