
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hey guys!

Sorry it's been forever since I've updated my blog!! I haven't had ANY time!! Well, this week is finals, and then Thursday we are going to go on choir trip to Southern Cal. It's gonna be pretty boring, but at least we are going to an imax!! I know. Whoop-dee-doo. We are going to San Diego and LA and all we do is go to an imax. Oh, well, it's better than nothing!

Well, back to monkey business. It was funny, yesterday, Sophia, Kailey, Luke, Evan, Adam O, Adam J, and Jordan were hanging out. Jordan walked away, and five minutes later came back with his hair soaking wet and holding a squash!! That's Jordan for you!! He's all like, "Look, I found a squash in a bush!!" We were laughing so hard!!! Also, I was sitting in choir, leaning back in the chair and I crashed backwards all over the chairs into the wall. The hilarious thing was, nobody even looked up!! Only Lizzy said, "Good job, Hannah," and walked away. People are getting used to my clumsiness!!

Saturday, we sang at two churches–Georgetown and Southgate.  Now, Georgetown is about the size of, um, like, uh, a pea!?!?!? There are about ten people there. Seriously. Ten. And, yah, we like colossally failed. The only good thing about singing there was the fact that half of the people can't hear, so it was good practice for us. The one at Southgate was better, but still wasn't our best.

Haha, I seriously thought I just heard, "She does LSD!! That's so cute!". I'm not even gonna ask.

Well, I better go. Pray for me in my Bible final. I'm NOT ready!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Just a random story. Should I write more of it?? Expand it?? Or leave it??


Autumn stared, shivering, down at the cold water. "Alright, here it goes. Goodbye world," she thought despairingly. Just as she was tightening her muscles to jump, a strong, buff lady wrapped her arms her, hindering her fall. The lady pulled Autumn away from the edge of the bridge and squatted down close to the shivering girl and said seven words Autumn would never forget, "Come. I want you to meet someone." She was a lettle nervous whether or not this muscular lady was gonna turn her in or not, but she seemed sincere, and finally curiosity finally won over. She got in the car with the lady and they drove off. About five minutes into the drive, Autumn started getting really nervous. Actually, she was plain scared. What was she thinking? She got into this car with this lady she didn't know at all, who she knew what Autumn was doing, and was driving off to who knows where to meet who knows who. Finally they reached they're destination. Autumn got out of the car and thought, "What? This is some sort of a barn? What am I doing here?" Suddenly, the car drove away, leaving Autumn standing there in what was now a downpour.

Heading for cover, she ran into the barn. It was musty and dark, smelling strongly of manure. She plopped down on a pile of hay. Gritting her teeth she glared into the inky darkness. "What have I gotten myself into?" she almost shouted. She leaned her head back and groaned. Suddenly she heard footsteps. "Who's there?" she called. Nothing came back to her other than her echo. All of a sudden, she felt this warm sensation. She reached out, not daring to breathe, and touched a warm fuzzy body. She felt a cold, wet thing touch her forehead and she felt a burst of moist air. Autumn ran her arms up and down the creature until she knew for sure. It was a horse. She had always been afraid of horses, but as she sat next to this friendly creature, she forgot to feel afraid. Slowly her eyes closed.....

Autumn sat up with a start. "Where am I?" she thought frantically. Then, suddenly it all came back to her. "Forget this wild goose chase," she thought as she got up to leave. BUt, when she turned towards the door, something caught her breath. Motionless in the doorway, stood a beautiful horse. The sun caught her dapple egray coat and made it glow like an angel. She slowly turned her head towards the shocked girl, her eyes baring Autumn's soul. Thinking something about the horse's eyes was different, she crept up to the gray horse and looked closer at her eyes. She gasped as she noticed the mare's eyes. It was a clear glassly color. Tears started coursing down Autumn's cheeks as she realized the mare was blind. Suddenly, the strange lady from last night was standing in the doorway. It scared Autumn a little to see her so abruptly, but the lady didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't seem to care. "So you met Freedom," the lady said quietly. Autumn merely nodded, not knowing what else to say. "Can I tell you something?" the lady asked. Autumn just nodded again.

"Alright. Freedom was abused as a filly. She was beaten, injured, and neglected. Freedom had every reason to give up on the world. But did she? No. She kept fighting for life. After three years, she was picked up by the Humane Society. I rescued there, and gave her a home. I gave her freedom. See, holding on was worth it to Freedom. And if you keep holding on, it will be worth it to you also."

"But there's nothing for me to live for!" Autumn whispered admist her tears.

"But there is. From now on, every day I expect you to come down here and feed, care for, and ride Freedom."


"No buts. I will teach you to ride and care for a horse."

"But she's blind! How can I-"

"Are you kidding me? You can rider her."

"Uh, well," Autumn stammered.

"Alrighty, then it's settled. See you tomorrow moring at five o'clock sharp," and with that, the eccentric lady left just as suddenly as she had came.

Autumn watched the car leave. "My life has changed so fast in these last two days," she thought. Little did she know how much one beautiful, blind mare named Freedom would change her life.


Haha, I'm soo blonde! Let's see what did I do today. Well, first of all I left Algebra I (second period) and started walking to go get changed. Suddenly, Elisa pokes her head out of the door and yells, "Hannah, what are you doing? You still have Bible left!" Haha, derdader!!

Ok, then at lunch I was talking to JD, and I turned around and saw Elisa staring at the bench. I ignored it and sat down, promptly getting up again and hollering at the top of my lungs. The back of my pants were DRENCHED!!! In case you're wondering, yes, the rest of the kids were laughing at me.

Sam G. also doused me with water (in 50 degree weather). I'm soooo getting her back!!!

I have to get a class sweatshirt today, and we get something written on the back of my sweatshirt. I'm contemplating "that was random". Or maybe random. Or clumsy. Or blondie. Or abnormal.

Anyway, I'm not really thinking tonight. Goodbye....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Job

Today (well technically yesterday), I got a new job for work ed: grounds. I'm working Lizzy, Jourdan, Sam G., and Marshall, which is a pretty awesome group. Anyywaaay, the three girls were working unstacking, wheelbarrowing, and stacking wood. And, since I was the new girl, I was given the hardest job-wheelbarrowing. As Andrew would say (and I can almost hear him saying it in my mind), it was tough, man!! I was pushing it uphill, admist rocks, chips of wood, and ruts. I could definately feel that I hadn't worked out since school started, my muscles were BURNING.

Of course, all that was boring, and I'm sure you skipped it (I would), so here's the more (I think) interesting part. I kept knocking over the whellbarrow, like 20 times. It was heavy, and we were on a slant, so it just kept toppling over. The funny part was during on trek through the woods to deliver the lumber, the whellbarrow tipped over to the right, knocking me over. I was pretty used to that, so I just got up and loaded the wheelbarrow again. I had barely taken one step before the wheelbarrow fell over again, this time to the left. Sam and Lizzy were laughing SOO hard! Then, after I loaded the dumb wheelbarrow up again, my foot slipped on the wet pine needles, I went sprawling, all the wood falling over me again and burying me in it's itchy,, badness? Don't think that's a word. O well, it was really funny (just ask Lizzy and Sam). I finally dumped the wood and started back. Sam congradulated me on not falling again (she's unbearably sarcastic), so I replied with, "Yes, I learn from my-" and just then I slipped and went crashing down. "Mistakes," I squeakly finished while I was rolling on the ground, laughing my head off. Finally, I controlled myself enough to get up, but when I saw the look on Lizzy and Sam's faces, I fell over again, laughing even more. My lungs hurt.....

Yah, well I'm really tired, gonna sleep GOOD tonight! (said in an Andy Griffith voice), so I better sign off.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Nothing is a strange word. It can mean one of three things:

1. absolutely nothing (in it's bare form)
2. something that's barely anything
3. something really important (normally that is either none of your business, or is your business, not the speaker's)

If those definitions confused you to death, here are some examples of the three types.

1. Miss Chi walks to your desk and peers down at your clean, white peice of paper. "What have you written so far?" she asks, even though it is obvious. "Nothing," you sheepishly reply.
2. You see Elisa laying on the grass, her legs crossed, hands behind her head. "What are you doing?" you question her. "Nothing," she replies.
3. You walk up to Jordan and Luke talking intently. As soon as you appear beside them, they quickly stop talking. "What are you guys talking about?" you ask suspiciously. "Nothing," they reply, blushing and trying desperately to look innocent.

(all incidents are purely fictional)

It has such an all-encompassing, widely used word, that holds many meanings. Without it, the devoid, the dull, and the suprisingly interesting, would be without testament.

Awesome day!

I'm not gonna go into all the little details why, but I assure you it was fun!

One thing wasn't so great though. In English, I was just sitting there minding my own busines when Miss Chi announces that we are having the book report oral presentation. "WHAT??" I thought, gazing around at all the perfectly content and relaxed students. I freaked out. Quickly opening my book I flipped the pages loudly, and hastily scribbled out an outline. I winged it, but it turned out all right. Well, other than the fact that I was informed by Miss Chi that my presentation was "boring". Thanks a lot.

ANOTHER THING - I'm not sure if this is considered good or not but Miss Rina enlightened me to the fact that I look like a Japanese cartoon caracter. Um, ok? Here's a pic of what I think she meant.

Thank You

Click Here For Images &
Thank You Pictures

Is that a good thing to look like her? I'm unsure.

Well, it was a fun day overall. I hope yours was just as um, informative.....?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


And yes I am yelling.

I think.

Today I started playing Hello Seatle and doing algebra. Suddenly, something came over me and I leapt out of my chair and started jumping up and down and kind of dancing. Or whatever you wanna call it. For like the whole time, and the next song, hot air balloon (they are my feel-good songs).

I can do nothing but smile now. =D

AHH!! Life is good.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I just found out something yesterday!!

I like this guy in school!!

hmmm.... didn't know that.

I'm sure that infomation will be helpful in the future

that was sarcasm. One thing I hate about highschool - apparently it's neccessary to like someone.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Quotes I live by

"Make your good, better, and your better, best."

"A friend is someone who know everything about me, and still likes me."

"Don't wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain."

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

"Somewhere behind the rider you've become, the hours of practice you've put in, and the coaches that have pushed you, is the little girl that fell in love with the sport, and never looked back. Ride for her."

"If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror." 

"And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

"You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present."

"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go."

"The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. "

"If you stare to much at the closed door, you can't see the opening one."

"Horses are proof God loves us, and wants us to be happy."

"Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away."

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

"The will of God will never take you, where the grace of God can not keep you." (thanks Ashley! =D)

I will edit this post and keep them coming as I find them. I hope they are a blessing to you!! Please keep checking this post!!

Not Alone lyrics

I'll give $5 dollars to whoever can tell me who wrote this.
And DON'T cheat and google "not alone".
NO, I really will.
PLEASE tell me what you really think of this song.

song lyrics for:
Not Alone

I raise my face to the falling rain
I cry out to God to help me
I know He can
But will He, will He, will He….?
Fix this broken heart
shattered like glass
broken, tattered, torn

look at this mess i've made
all the friends i've betrayed
I can't go on this way
i've lost the grip on life

Oooh, I'm soo alo-o-o-one, alone

im tryin to hold on in this rocking world
i feel as if im gonna fall off
turnin', turnin' turnin' so fast
I can't keep up
i cant hold on - no longer
my hands are slipping'

look at this mess i've made
friends that i've betrayed
I can't go on this way
i've lost the grip on life
that i never had

Ooh, I'm soo alo-o-o-one, alone

tha' dawn breaks the silence
i hear a whispered word
why are you trying?
to hold onto the world?
I'm your World, and I'm holding onto to you!!!!

But I say -
Jesus, look at this mess I've made
the friends that I've betrayed
I kept on in that way
i lost the grip on life
that i never had

But he still whispers back at me,

My lovely child - your not A - LOOOOOOO-O-O-ONE
not alone


Today was a super blonde day. I did a bunch of blonde stuff, but I think one of the worst (IF you don't count the "raw meat" episode) was when I was walking back to the farm with Andrew and Cassandra. Cassandra was talking in Romanian to Mr. Cosmin (they are both Romanian), and I happened to hear him say "Da" several times. I asked Cassandra if that meant yes, and she said that I was correct. I then promptly replied, "That's funny, because "da" is yes in Romanian too!" Andrew and Cassandra just stared at me for like 37 seconds, until I blushed and sheepishly said, "You WERE speaking in Romanian, huh?" to which she wordlessly nodded. DER-TA-DER!!! DUH!!

I'm dumb.

And blonde.

Ok, I'm going to bed. I need the beauty (and hopefully brain!) sleep.

Goodnight. Sleep tight.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Funny mistake

Ok, so I was in line with Canada last night, with Maria also. Canada was talking about how we were having chicken noodle soup for dinner and how excited he was, because he was craving noodles!! Ok, not too abnormal. BUT just wait. then he said he wanted some microwaved raw meat. I'm sorry, but personally I think that's abnormal. And gross. I wasn't sure why he said that, maybe thats what they eat in Canada or something......or maybe he was just a little.........let's just say unique. Anyway, we talked for like 5 miutes about how much he loved it, even though it was unhealthy because it had so much sodium in it. Inside I'm thinking, sodium!! You're worring about sodium? Raw meat can kill you!!! Well, he asked me if I had any, and I'm like, yah right. I carry raw meat with me whereever I go. No Canada, I have no raw meat on hand. Then he asked if I could get him some. I said ummmmmmmmmm........... anyway, it was getting quite awkward until Rachel saved the day! She asked me what Canada asked me to get for him and I said, "Raw meat." And Canada started rolling on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes. After 7.8 minutes he finally stopped laughing so hard, and managed to squeak out - not raw meat! ramon! omigoodness did I feel stupid. Then he asked - how stupid do you think I am don't answer that. for your information, I was rolling on the ground also. Not crying as much as Canada though.

I'm an idiot. It makes a great story though!!!! =P

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


you probably noticed, I changed my template for My BIg LIttle World. How do you like it (be honest). Can you read the font and colors? Does the template draw you in, do you want to keep reading? OR - is it distracting?? Does it make you want to never check this sight again?? (I hope not...)

PLEASE COMMENT with your critique. I repeat - PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Please be honest. I need ya'lls help!!!!!!!

Thanks!!!!! <3 you guys!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

*Elisa update*

Well, I probably should have told you much sooner, but Elisa didn't tear anything after all. She knocked her kneecap out of joint (ouch!!). She was supposed to have the crutches for 7-10 more weeks, but praise the Lord, she's off of them (thanks to MANY prayers!!)

Thanks for praying for her! We love you, Shortstuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing link

this is the BEST website you will EVER find!!! click here

Saturday, October 2, 2010

lol totally true

I need to catch you guys up! - SPECIAL: crashing off the couch

****my blog is back to normal, no more previous posts :D****

Haha, it's been a while! I've been sooo busy!! Let's see......

Mmmm..... I love this song!! (i'm listening to mighty to save) lol random

Aanyyyywaaaaay, two Friday nights ago, we had family home vespers. You see, at my school, we get these "parent teachers", and so we get to have friday night vespers with them. Ms. Lorraine is my parent-teacher (I call her my over protective mother!! :D), and I'm in her group with Tarryn, Lizzy, Evan, and Roy. All the awesome people. Also all day students except for Evan (poor guy). So, we had our worship at Mr B.'s house with Ms. Rina's group also (she was in Korea at the time). Basically, Levi, Chloe, Sophia, Stanley, and Jaemi were there too. AND don't forget Ms. Lorraine's 2 bros (Jesse, and something or another....sorry). So, we split up into groups and I was with Tarryn, Chloe, and Evan. We got this slip of paper with a BIble story on it (ours was Elijah and the priests trying to get fire to burn up their sacrifices). We had to make a "news broadcast" on the subject. Evan was the anchor, Chloe the anchor assistant (whatever they're called), me the reporter, and Tarryn the innocent bystander. It went pretty well. Buuut, here's the hilarious moment: Mr. B, Mrs. B, and Ms. Lorraine were on a team. They did the story of marching around Jericho. Well, halfway through the thing (JUST when Mr B was talking about people falliing off the wall), um, I guess I was in Chloe's way or something (she was videoing), so Tarryn pushed me over (not very hard either!) and I went crashing off. Not sure why.....I guess I was just off balance.......and I landed almost on top of Evan!!! It was sooo funny!!! Mr. B tied it into his story in his usual witty way, but I was laughing sooooo hard I didn't really hear what he said. It was a CRACK UP!!!!! Anywaaaay, the night was fun, and the reason I told you all that pointlessness waaaaaaaas: this song ROCKS!!! I'm listening to By Your Side now. case you haven't realized, I'm weird.

Well, the rest of the week was pretty normal.....if you don't count falling over chairs in choir.........and almost falling off the bleachers..........and a bunch of other awkward moments........

On second thought, a bunch of awkward moments are pretty normal for me, in case you haven't noticed. If you read my blog, I'm SURE you realized that.

Yep, also in case you haven't noticed (I'm sure you have) I'm about the most graceful person on Earth. And that not including my AMAZING sense of balance.

ALSOOO, in case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty sarcastic. UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!

Yah, well back to mockey business, last night I had my first concert with the choir!! It went well!! Well, other than getting there late (I swer they said quarter to 7!!!), singing off tune, and almost falling off the

Well, all's normal with me! :P


Ok, so today was weird. English went pretty went, except for the fact that when I sat down in my desk, I kind of almost knocked it over!! A little emabrrassing, totally something only I can do. Talent, peoples, talent! In algebra, Tiwe told me that I left my pencill bag back in the computer lab, so I ran out of the door on the wat to the computer lab, because I only had 2 minutes until class started. As I flew out the door, and ran STRAIGHT into Luke, almost knocked both of us down. It was soo funny! Everyone was rolling!!
At supper (like I say, weird things ALWAYS happen at supper, although at MY school, weird things are pretty normal), I sat down at this huge square table where Luke, Random Asian, Smiley, Josh, Canada, and Joel were sitting. Yes, all guys. I sat on one side table and ALL the guys squished into the other, with only Random Asian and Smiley on the sides. And they all stared at me. It was slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't really care, I'm used to guys, I'm pretty much a tomboy. Well, I guess the girls felt sorry for me, because they all just at one time came and sat down with me. They hilarious thing was, ALL the guys just got up and left, as fast as possible, making up weird excuses that didn't make sense. Wow! Every single one!!!! I was laughing soo hard!! Us girls are INTIMIDATING to guys!!! (the funny thing is, I wasn't intimidated by the guys. I guess guys don't effect us girls like that!! :D)
Wow, weird things happen to me. Is that normal? Or am I just blonde and clumsy? Lol, probably :P

wow i need to keep you guys updated!!

Yah, I haven't written anything about what's going on in a while! So, Saturday night at school the girls had a spa night. It was a surprise, nobody knew except the staff. It was amazing!!! We all got pedi's and mani's and got a facial. You should have seen our faces! Jannet and England looked like they were from Mars, Rosie looked like she was asian, Lizzy never mind, and I FINALLY had a tan!!! Haha. It was soo relaxing, thank you staff!!
Monday was an absolutely TERRIBLE day for me. I got four 0's in English, I wasn't getting along with one of my friends, Dee and Gina were expelled, and Elisa tore something in her knee. Bad day........
Tuesday was better, home-leave started after work. Elisa is staying with me, by the way. I rode Silver, and had a group lesson with Tes and Silly (the pony, not human :D). It was fun!
Wednesday wasn't so great either, because Elisa had to go to the orthopedic surgeon and get her knee checked out. We waited in that waiting room for two hours - AUGH. We found out Elisa might have to have surgery (I hope not!!!). After that Elisa had an MRI. The only good thing was we had Chipotle!!!
Yesterday (Thursday) was a little better. Elisa went to the clinic and got crutches, and then we went to the music room. We met up wth Chloe and chilled for a while. Then we went to the caf, and met up with Marcel, and had a HILARIOUS time!!! I don't have enough room to tell about that though :). Then, Ellisa went with Chloe to hang out and eat, and I had a rinding lesson. I jumped, it was fun other then the beginning, when I was lunging Silver, she crashed through a jump. Not good.......
Well, today we are house-hunting. Please pray for Elisa and me, that we don't get too bored!!! :(

my day yesterday

Ok, so yesterday at supper I was sitting next to Elisa, and across the table from England, Smiley, and Josh. I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about before this—too busy concentrating on my half smoothie half peanut butter—but I entered the conversation when they were talking about Finding Nemo. Haha, we have dumb conversations. I also had a hilarious and embarrassing moment we wont talk about. Actually, I wasn't too embarrassed, I was laughing too hard.
We had outreach and I partnered with Blondie. We got the Lukens house and were walking down to their house when I realized I had NO idea what we were doing and why we were doing it. I asked Blondie and she didn't know either. We were just given a name—the Lukens—and told to go there. Well, we arrived at their house and found out Ashley had given Celis and Gina the same house. So, we asked them what on EARTH we were doing and Celis (being an experienced Senior who knew EXACTLY what do, unlike us down in the dust Freshman) informed us that we were asking the family a random, interesting, exotic thing (I've only heard of exotic fruit, so inside my head I'm wondering what fruit has to do with this) about themselves. I asked Celis why, and I guess her Senior wisdom only goes so far, because after 48 seconds of fumbling around for an answer, she admitted she had none. Thanks a lot Celis. Anyway, she importantly cleared her throat and notified us that we also were going to ask for prayer requests. We also notified her that SHE was the one asking for the random, interesting, exotic (I still don't get what it has to do with fruit...) thing and the prayer requests. She said ok, and rang the doorbell......and knocked on the door........and rang the door bell 3 times.......and knocked (ok pounded) again. We decided they either weren't home, or they didn't want to talk, so I gave them the great idea of going next door to the Jackson's. On the way there, we decided we were going to ask them how Mr. popped the question. We got there and rang the doorbell, and Adam promptly answered. We asked for his parents, but they weren't home. So we decided to "outreach" to him. Thinking that he probably hadn't popped the question to anybody yet (and wouldn't for a WHILE), Celis asked him to give her an exotic fact about himself (for some reason she left out random and interesting......I'll NEVER get Seniors). He couldn't think of anything except that he was from Tasmania. Unfortunately though, because Gina thought that was SOOOO cool, and wouldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the night (don't worry, we still love you Gina!). Talisa (Adam's sis) walked up than and we asked the two if they had any prayer requests. Talisa asked for prayer for her MCAT (please pray for her, I'm praying!!) and school in general, and Talisa informed Adam he needed prayer for his mission trip. After Blondie prayed for the MCAT, school in general, and Adam's mission trip, we awkwardly made up an excuse to leave and left.
We had to talk up front about our "outreaching", so we walked up and Celis related (in her important "Senior voice") about our experience, and Adam's random, interesting, exotic fact about himself. Blondie told the people about the MCAT and the mission trip prayer requests. As we left I also had to (or my conscience would kill me for the rest of my life) tell that Adam also wanted prayer for "school in general", so I awkwardly called out as I was going back to my seat "and school in general!". Ahh, my conscience is happy.
That night we played dare-base. Ok, they played dare-base, because I just stood in the field and tried desperately to find someone who would tell me how to play. Nobody would, so I still don't know how to play.
Draw your on conclusions, but my personal opinion is Weimar Academy is weird, but it rocks.

Weird things always happen at supper

****the next four–i believe–posts are from previous days from my other blog*****

Ok, so at supper last night Luke threw this piece of plastic on my tray. To get back at him (cause that's what I do....) I threw the plastic in his cup of milk. He glared at me and said he was gonna get me back good. He leaned over and whispered something to someone and that someone started laughing, along with Elisa. That scared me BAD, cause Luke knows something I don't want people to know (let's not go there), and I thought he had just told that person. I knew I had to get out of there, so I pretended I needed to go to the restroom and walked out of the room (ok, maybe not as slowly as I implied). I stayed in bathroom for about 10 minutes, swearing I wasn't EVER coming out. Elisa and Jannet were acting like they were about to cry, they were going to miss me soo much (really they were probably verrry happy.....). Finally I decided to face the world so I slowly walked (ok, not THAT slow...) pass the table and ran out the door. After vainly trying to get Lizzy to tell me what makes Luke REEEALLY mad, I finally came back in. Luke told me that that's NOT what he told the person (to my relief) and that he hadn't even thought of that (I dont believe him!!!). I looked down at my tray and there was this bowl of popcorn filled with milk. I told Luke I appreciated the popcorn (it wasnt mine, I dont like caf popcorn) but no thanks. After graciously giving it back to him (well kinda graciously), I continued eating in peace. Well, until I pulled a piece of tinfoil out of my soup.......and finished my soup........and pulled a SHEET off tinfoil out from my bread........and decided I was too scared to eat anymore........and left the caf. I saw Lizzy and Elisa rollinig on the floor laughing, and since I REALLY needed a laugh about then, so I asked them what they were laughing about. To make a long story short, Luke had dumped the WHOLE THING OF SALT IN MY SOUP!!!! And I ate all the soup!! And it finally tasted good-around here they dont believe in salt!! Well, this probably goes without saying, but i am SO getting back at Luke!!!! Any ideas?????????????????????