
Saturday, October 2, 2010

my day yesterday

Ok, so yesterday at supper I was sitting next to Elisa, and across the table from England, Smiley, and Josh. I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about before this—too busy concentrating on my half smoothie half peanut butter—but I entered the conversation when they were talking about Finding Nemo. Haha, we have dumb conversations. I also had a hilarious and embarrassing moment we wont talk about. Actually, I wasn't too embarrassed, I was laughing too hard.
We had outreach and I partnered with Blondie. We got the Lukens house and were walking down to their house when I realized I had NO idea what we were doing and why we were doing it. I asked Blondie and she didn't know either. We were just given a name—the Lukens—and told to go there. Well, we arrived at their house and found out Ashley had given Celis and Gina the same house. So, we asked them what on EARTH we were doing and Celis (being an experienced Senior who knew EXACTLY what do, unlike us down in the dust Freshman) informed us that we were asking the family a random, interesting, exotic thing (I've only heard of exotic fruit, so inside my head I'm wondering what fruit has to do with this) about themselves. I asked Celis why, and I guess her Senior wisdom only goes so far, because after 48 seconds of fumbling around for an answer, she admitted she had none. Thanks a lot Celis. Anyway, she importantly cleared her throat and notified us that we also were going to ask for prayer requests. We also notified her that SHE was the one asking for the random, interesting, exotic (I still don't get what it has to do with fruit...) thing and the prayer requests. She said ok, and rang the doorbell......and knocked on the door........and rang the door bell 3 times.......and knocked (ok pounded) again. We decided they either weren't home, or they didn't want to talk, so I gave them the great idea of going next door to the Jackson's. On the way there, we decided we were going to ask them how Mr. popped the question. We got there and rang the doorbell, and Adam promptly answered. We asked for his parents, but they weren't home. So we decided to "outreach" to him. Thinking that he probably hadn't popped the question to anybody yet (and wouldn't for a WHILE), Celis asked him to give her an exotic fact about himself (for some reason she left out random and interesting......I'll NEVER get Seniors). He couldn't think of anything except that he was from Tasmania. Unfortunately though, because Gina thought that was SOOOO cool, and wouldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the night (don't worry, we still love you Gina!). Talisa (Adam's sis) walked up than and we asked the two if they had any prayer requests. Talisa asked for prayer for her MCAT (please pray for her, I'm praying!!) and school in general, and Talisa informed Adam he needed prayer for his mission trip. After Blondie prayed for the MCAT, school in general, and Adam's mission trip, we awkwardly made up an excuse to leave and left.
We had to talk up front about our "outreaching", so we walked up and Celis related (in her important "Senior voice") about our experience, and Adam's random, interesting, exotic fact about himself. Blondie told the people about the MCAT and the mission trip prayer requests. As we left I also had to (or my conscience would kill me for the rest of my life) tell that Adam also wanted prayer for "school in general", so I awkwardly called out as I was going back to my seat "and school in general!". Ahh, my conscience is happy.
That night we played dare-base. Ok, they played dare-base, because I just stood in the field and tried desperately to find someone who would tell me how to play. Nobody would, so I still don't know how to play.
Draw your on conclusions, but my personal opinion is Weimar Academy is weird, but it rocks.

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